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The virtual guarantee of foreign meddling in the 2020 election poses a challenge to state and local officials, IT staff included, to protect American democracy. Experts say the keys to success will be cybersecurity, paper trails, risk-limiting audits and inter-agency communication.
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Jonathan Feldman, chief information officer of Asheville for the last 15 years, discusses the changes he’s seen in his city as new technologies have become available, as well as what he sees in his agency’s future.
Best practices for cyberleaders anticipating administration changes this November.
Instagram's new comment restriction tool may be helpful for some users, but it presents challenges for public-sector agencies who must uphold standards like citizens’ First Amendment rights.
Plus, Toyota’s mobility play at the Olympics, a high-tech virtual reality technique that could reduce the need for multiple heart surgeries and the perhaps surprising case for building a bigger microchip.
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