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Chief privacy officer roles exist in 21 states and counting. As the job gains traction in government, we look at where those IT leaders sit, how they collaborate with their peers and where the field is going.
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The rollout of facial recognition technology in cities and states nationwide — as well as some overturned bans — could offer lessons on how to regulate other technologies that haven’t yet reached broad adoption.
Open data portals were a good first step toward putting the massive amount of information government holds to work. But now, experts say data should drive storytelling and decision-making across the enterprise.
At the NASCIO Midyear conference in May, states CIO outlined in what cases they would consider outsourcing IT work and how to maintain control over tasks sent out of house.
As technology gets smarter, it brings with it a new set of problems for the people and systems entrusted to protect constituent data. We asked state CIOs where their states are on the path to privacy.
As both CIO and chief security officer in Michigan, Laura Clark explains how her office is addressing IT recruitment and retention and what they’re doing to modernize major state applications.
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