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The smart cities movement has evolved from sensors on light poles aimed at improving traffic flow to connected platforms that are practical, efficient and equitable for government, businesses and residents.
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Municipal transit agencies are working with private companies to reduce the difficulty people often have in getting from home or work to public transportation, making trains and buses more accessible for all.
‘Double-burdened counties’ have both poor health outcomes and low broadband penetration, making connectivity a priority. High-speed Internet creates access to telehealth services for preventive and critical care.
The adjustment to life in a pandemic has not been easy, but it has shown that public-sector work is not only vital, but also flexible, and that IT has a critical role to play in ensuring organizational resilience.
The novel coronavirus shifted the nature of gov tech work virtually overnight, but its long-term impacts will bring even more changes as priorities change and tech offers opportunities to shape the future.
The COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmed many state unemployment insurance websites. While some fared better than others, all governments can take advantage of things like cloud technology to prepare for the next storm.
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